Smell: Butterscotch, straight up. Hits you pretty hard too. I mean, I don't know what I expected but yeah. Butterscotch.
Head: Pretty awesome! Fills a good portion of the drink, and lasts a good long time.
Flavor: Again, Butterscotch. You could almost call this a Root Beer flavored Butterscotch drink. The bites okay, and the aftertaste is heaven (assuming you like Butterscotch).
Overall: Totally unique. I expected this to be more like normal Root Beers, where maybe I'd catch a strong hint of Butterscotch in the back ground. But I should know better than that, as with most Root Beers I've had that advertise as a flavored Root Beer, the flavor is almost always stronger than the Root Beer. Still, I enjoyed this, maybe a little too sweet in the end, I almost had that feeling of eating too much candy! B, above average for sure.
Purchased from D'Marie's Deli