Sunday, July 20, 2014

Virgils Root Beer

Description: "Since 1916, our family has been making soft drinks, using traditional recipes to create distinctive, original flavors. In the past, root beers were brewed from roots and native herbs. These first soft drinks were rich, full-bodied creations, far heartier than today's root beers. Like the original brewers, we use only natural ingredients - nutmeg, imported anise, and wintergreen. Then we brew these ingredients with crystalline water. The result? A rich, creamy root beer with absolutely no preservatives."

Ingredients: Purified Carbonated Water, Unbleached Cane Sugar, Anise from Spain, Licorice from France, Vanilla (Bourbon) from Madagascar, Cinnamon from Ceylon, Clove from Indonesia, Wintergreen from China, Sweet Birch from Southern US, Molasses from the US, Nutmeg from Indonesia, Pimento Berry Oil from Jamaica, Balsam Oil from Peru, Cassia Oil from China.

Smell: From both the bottle and the mug is just the strong scent of Anise and Wintergreen. You can barely smell the sassafras scent.

Head: Barely anything to be seen. Started out as nothing, grew very slightly then immediately dissipated. Can't really judge it because of this.

Flavor: The smell is the flavor to be honest. Anise and Wintergreen gives the whole drink this spicy flavor. The bite is really fantastic, not overwhelming at all. The aftertaste is pure Anise, and you'll be tasting it for a while.

Overall: This is going to be interesting. Most people I meet swear by Virgils. It's even won awards like the NASFT "Outstanding Beverage" award. I'll say that the flavor is very complex but since the Anise and Wintergreen stand out so much it's hard to really enjoy the molasses or vanilla. And I am a person who really enjoys a Root Beer with strong Vanilla flavors. And... I am a person who really does not enjoy a strong Anise flavor. So, I'm going to have to give this a D.

Purchased from Meijer

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